Life questions
You are a good person, you try to be the best you can be. You try to do more good than bad. So why do you feel like something is missing?
I try to live a good life. I'm a good person. I follow the 10 Commandments. I'm nice and i don't hurt other people.
You may have tried different ways of numbing your pain: drinking, sex, drugs, buying new things, going to fun places. meeting the right crowd, etc. And for all this trying, there is still something missing. So what do you try next? Some moments you feel like something's wrong in your world. Like perhaps there's something you haven't done, or someone you don't know, but are supposed to...
Why am I here? How do I beat this loneliness? What makes life so tough? I want that one special relationship.
At times you feel you have found it. perhaps in a romantic relationship, but that feeling never seems to last. Every relationship, even good ones, leave you with this emptiness. Something isn't right, but you can't figure it out. So you keep looking and trying things, but what's next? A Person. A Diety. Someone who knows who you are and where you are. someone who cares about you, your life, and your questions...
Maybe it's time to try God, the living Creator of the Universe.
Your questions about God, His Son, His plan for your life. So why should you give Him a try?
God has a plan
Is your life hard? God said, "I'll carry your burdens." Lonely? "I'll never leave you." Questions about life's meaning? "I have a book that will answer them." Looking for a lasting relationship? "Get to know My Son, Jesus." Guilt getting to you? "I'll take it away." Want to live after you die? "I can handle that for you. I promise."
God loves you as His child, and wants you to enjoy a relationship with Him. He is the answer you've been looking for. He is the one Creator of the universe and all it contains, including you. you won't be complete until you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, your Father, your Savior, your Creator.
How do we know all this is true and possible?
God oversaw the writing of the most important book of all, the Bible, His "Owner's Manual" for a human life. In His Book are all the answers we need to live life and find God.
Our problem? We can't get to God on our own.
Being at peace with God is not always easy, because by nature we are seperated from God. This seperation is the "something wrong" that is at the root of our selfishness, loneliness, and dark feelings. through many immoral and amoral acts, thoughts, and attitudes, we keep moving away from God. All of us do this, no matter how moral and upright we may seem on the surface. If you search your own heart honestly, you already know this is true. This has caused a split between us and the One who made us and loves us. This split is called sin.
God's solution for you to find Him
Because of His great love for you, God cannot allow this split to remain. But the sin bill must be paid. Religion and good living cannot pay it. So God designed the perfect solution. He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. The Bible tells His story. He was both God and human. He lived a normal life, but lived it as God. Jesus loves people. He talked with them, healed them, and made them promises. He was even hung on a cross, and crucified for our sins. But that wasn't the end. After three days, He rose up from His grave. Alive! God saw the death of His Son as payment for your sin. Jesus took your place on a cross almost 2,000 years ago. That's how God sees it. Then Jesus overcame death -actually came back to life- to show His divine power. And His power over sin and death is yours. Free. And there's more...
Got questions? That's normal
Ever since Jesus came to earth, people have had questions. But the most iportant decision you will ever make in your life is what you decide about Jesus Christ.
God is looking for two things:
1. Will you turn your life over to your Creator and believe that Jesus Christ is that one commitment, the one relationship you need?
2. Will you admit you need Him and confess your sins?
It's up to you to respond. You have to choose
God has done His part when His Son died for you, now it's your move. Turning to God means you are also turning away from something. As you turn to Him, you "repent", which means you realize you cannot give yourself to Jesus while hanging onto sin. That means turning your back on your old choices such as lying, sexual immorality, anger, etc. to begin doing things God's way.
So how do you turn toward God?
1. Admit your spiritual need. Admit you are a sinner, and you are willing to turn completely away from your sins.
2. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose again from the dead.
3. Confess verbally and publicly your belief in Jesus Christ. Accept Him into your heart and life, by choosing this relationship over your current life of sin.