At the core of every individual's life is a need for relationships with God and His people. Forestville's Adult Ministries helps you strengthen your relationship with God and develop close friendships with other people who share Christian values. Through Sunday School and Bible studies, Forestville's Adult Ministries encourages you to discover how God's Word applies to every area of your life and to grow spiritually within the Fellowship of believers.
Good friends. Good times. Forestville's students find both through Sunday School and Wednesday Bible Studies. But that's just the beginning. Our students are also committed to changing lives and the world through the Gospel. They have a passion to make a spiritual difference. Laying a strong foundation for young lives is the goal of Forestville's youth group. Each week 7th grade through college students get together.
Learning to worship God is one key to living a victorious Christian life. Leading others to do the same is also a great blessing. Involvement in Forestville Worship Services gives you the opportunity to do both. Regardless of your age or musical background, worship services have something to offer you. Be a part of helping others worship through our choir, praise team, video presentation, or Easter and Christmas Cantata presentations.