About us
Established in 1859, Forestville Baptist Church has a rich history. The sanctuary was placed on the National Historical Registry in 1984. We're a member of the Raleigh Baptist Association.
Denominational Affiliation
Forestville Baptist Church is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention and the North Carolina Baptist State Convention. We also support the Cooperative program and all of the mission efforts of the Southern Baptist Convention.

The People of Forestville Baptist Church
We are a people who believe strongly in Christian Fellowship.
We strive to provide a strong family atmosphere.
Sunday School
​We have Sunday School classes for Youth and Adults. Sunday School is at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.
Wednesday Evening Prayer and Bible Study
Adults meet for a time of Bible study and prayer with additional youth classes. Starts at 7:00 on Wednesday evenings.
A blend of contemporary choruses and traditional hymns are sung with a praise band.